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Sharyland/RGV LEAD Mentor Closing Ceremony

Vol.2, Iss. 2 | October 2020

As the school year ends, so does the end of special programs. Such is the case with the RGV LEAD-inspired mentoring program at Sharyland ISD. The End-of-Year Ceremony for the 2020-2021 Student Mentorship Program was held on April 28th at 12:45 p.m. through Google Meet. Corina López-Garcia, Career and Technical Education Coordinator, led the ceremony.

I want to take this opportunity to celebrate the mentorship, guidance, and support you have provided to our student protégés this school year.

A general session was held for all students and mentors, and the ceremony was concluded with a breakout session for the mentor & protégé Closing Activity.After the meeting was over, mentors completed the Mentor Information Google Form to update their contact information. Sharyland ISD extended a token of appreciation to the mentors and is looking forward to their return in 2021 – 2022!

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