Vol.3, Iss. 1 | September 2021
Eliza Groff, RGV LEAD Program Coordinator, would like to remind school districts to register for the Education & Career EXPO, which will be held virtually on October 27th and 28th, 2021. The live event will host business and industry panel presentations that inform students about the courses, education, experience, etc., needed to pursue a career in specific fields. Colleges and universities will present the fields of study offered at their institutions and the criteria for admission.The Education & Career EXPO is a valuable resource for classroom instruction, mainly because it meets the needs of the Texas Education Agency TEKS. One example is Chapter §127.14. Career Preparation I: (3) The student discusses work ethics, employer expectations, interactions with diverse populations, and communication skills in the workplace. The student is expected to (B) research characteristics of successful working relationships such as teamwork, conflict resolution, self-control, and the ability to accept criticism.As you can see, the EXPO is a great classroom resource for enriching students’ knowledge about college and careers.